Anti Fraud

Anti Fraud

The online fraud is a phenomenon of great relevance , materiality legal, economic and social . The consequences are extremely serious , both for the holders of industrial property rights , and for the safety and health of citizens. Have reached alarming proportions , an increase of 1850 % since 1994 . Due to Fraud Management platform you can scan the network to identify situations in which there is an unauthorized use of the mark or that sell counterfeit products . Locating sales channels suspects: the constant study of the dynamics within the e-commerce , forums , etc. allows you to identify potential cases of counterfeiting. Analysis unauthorized sales channels : owner / operator of the site on which the transaction occurs , registered office, etc. In addition to constant monitoring , you draw the features offered in their product description , price and terms of sale , presentation images and other distinguishing marks . The evidence is collected in a report organized , complete with source , date and time of detection